Returning to work after months at home with a baby is far from easy. I wrote about some of the key challenges I faced here.
I’m happy to report the transition has been MUCH smoother the second time around.
Here are six things that helped:
1 Kindness always
Patience and encouragement from colleagues is great, but it’s even more important to be gentle with myself, and acknowledge and honour the transition that’s happened.
2 Don’t fake it ’til you make it
Being honest about where I’m at with my team took the pressure off massively. During the first month back, I opted for low intensity, internal work instead of highly strategic client jobs.
3 Prioritise
The shift from full-time to part-time has meant I’ve had to prioritise the work where I can to add the most value.
4 Ask for help
This sounds like the easiest one but it can be the hardest. I’m getting better at delegating and bringing people in. Not only is it more productive - it’s more fun too!
5 Accept the compliment
I’m learning to just say ‘thank you’ when somebody says something nice, either at home or at work. Because what I’m doing is important.
6 This too shall pass
Like everything in parenthood, and in life, knowing it is just a season, and a normal regression for progression helps. I eventually got back to performing at the standard I always had, arguably better with the new skills that motherhood equipped me with (empathy, prioritisation, multi-tasking, etc.). I also did eventually sleep again. So trust the process!
It’s so important to support parents who are re-entering the workforce. What helped you ease back into work after becoming a parent?